First Post!

First things first, I'm not a Nonna.  I'm not even a grandparent.  I am however a father, a husband, a cook, and a gardener.
Objects in mirror are smaller than they appear
So why the name?

  1. I always wanted an Italian grandma.  I have a pair of wonderful grandmothers, but alas, neither of them is Italian.  I guess you could say I married into having an Italian grandma despite not being born with one - one of my wife's grandmas was first generation Italian-American.
  2. I cook like an Italian grandma.  I make (and can) my own tomato sauce, make my own pasta, bake bread from scratch, etc.
  3. I grow what I can where I am.  I think the stereotype about Italians (and Italian-Americans) holds pretty true that they love to garden, and usually they're growing what they're cooking for their family.
Orecchiette = Little Ears
Over the last few years, my passion for gardening has blossomed (all puns intended).  I started with basic herbs in pots, graduated to tomatoes and peppers (still in pots), and now finally raised beds in the backyard of my family's home.

The reason for starting this blog is to document the next chapter in my gardening adventures: Master Gardener classes through the Williamson County office of the University of Tennessee Agriculture Extension Service.  Fun fact that makes this all possible: the WCMGA holds classes on Wednesday nights during odd numbered years.  Even numbered years are during the day making it pretty difficult for a working stiff like me to participate.  The first class is a week from tonight, and I hope to document and share what I learn through this blog.

In addition to what I learn, I'll probably share what I'm growing, what I'm cooking, what inspires me, and the occasional picture of my adorable son and beautiful wife.

So, here we go blog readers!
Sweet Magnolia
