
January is a month of anticipation.

At least in the South, we can anticipate warm days soon, no matter what the groundhog shows to our northern neighbors.  We anticipate daffodils and forsythia and the first blooms of a new spring signifying new birth in the garden.  We comb seed catalogs (or catalog singular if you're like me), picking and purchasing the varieties of vegetables we'll grow this summer.

For me this year, there's extra anticipation because I'm about to start Master Gardener classes!  Tomorrow (1/31/19) is the first class, and I couldn't be more excited.  I mean, just look at this class schedule:

Intro to Horticulture and Basic Botany
Soils and Home Composting
Trees and Small Fruits
Homeowner Turf Management
Woody Ornamentals
Herbaceous Ornamentals
Vegetable Gardening
Plant Disease
Organic Options and Beneficial Insects
Urban Trees

In all, it's 13 weeks of classes running through the second Wednesday in May.  Each week, my goal is to catalog and share notes from the class, highlighting what I find most useful.  I feel my deepest knowledge currently is in vegetable gardening, but I know there's a lot I can learn, and I'm excited to be exposed to all of the topics we'll cover.

Thanks for joining me on this journey.
